
The role of the board of directors and the management team is to allow employees to excel, to help them discover their wisdom, to be fully involved in their work, and to accept responsibility for making changes.

Board of directors

Edmond Beqiri

– Chairman of the Board of Directors

Mehrije Hoti

– Member of the Board
– Chair of the Risk Commission

Skender Kandic

– Secretary of the Board
– Chairman of the Audit Committee

Steve Mitchell

– Member of the Board

Joshua Link

– Member of the Board

Management team

Vahdet Anadolli

– Executive Director

Mentor Muhaxheri

– Head of the Credit Risk Department

Xhevdet Spahija

– Deputy Executive Director

Bersan Loci

– Head of the Operations Department

Zamire Deçani Beqiri

– Head of the Finance Department

Iliriana Gashi

– Head of the Human Resources Department